Friday, July 23, 2010

Consort--Can Never Deliver the Entire Package

One has to look at Consort--and the construction managers at Countryshire (Jeff, Mike)--as "challenged" or somehow not able to fully understand or carry through their responsibilities. We submitted an estimate, from our landscape firm, to Consort for necessary repair work to our back lot many days ago--of course, no reply. Consort must understand this much if nothing else (although I won't hold my breath): If you (Consort) are negligent, leaving us (the one with the damaged home and lot) no longer "whole," you (Consort) must reimburse us in order to make us--our home and lot--whole again. When we purchased the lot it was in GOOD FAITH that the seller had disclosed all flaws (as legally obligated to do) and that the seller had performed all duties (again, as legally obligated to do). When we then proceeded to put upwards of $18,000 worth of landscaping and landscape design in, we did so under the good faith impression that our lot would not turn into a swampy, fallen, jagged, dropped, and split mess.

Judging from the new home and lot across the street--where of course Mr. Jeff didn't see fit to replace all grass--now with large dead pathces on what was promised in the contract to be a fully sodded lawn (too cheap or too lazy to see it through I assume)--I shouldn't be surprised at Consort's lack of response.

Along those same lines with Jeff--so he wanders around the lots under construction here but doesn't do some of what he should be doing--securing the lots for safety, for one. The full Dumpster--with construction debris next to us has been open from the rear for 4 days now--Jeff stood in front of it, but didn't make any move to shut it. Neither did anyone working for him for that matter. I've said it before, and would be more than happy to say it again: Are you people hoping that someone, a child perhaps, crawls in while playing and gets trapped, injured, or worse? I'm sure that there are safety codes.

PS: Oh, and Consort, Jeff, Mike.... tell your workers that the wind blows and garbage has a miraculous ability to drift here and there in the wind, up and down, over and around. It's nice that you put a wall up next our property--but when workers on the lot at the beginning of Country Trail just throw their personal refuse on the ground (hey, isn't the ground one big dumpster anyway?! *sarcasm*), and you don't check all lots before leaving for the day to pick up this garbage, guess what happens? Yes! It blows down the street and ends up on my, or my neigbor's lawn. Is this concept of throwing away garbage so hard?

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