Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Consort Doesn't See This As a Problem

WOW! Look how well plastic tarps keep out water. Seems that lessons in topography, gravity, etc are needed for the good folks at Consort.
Consort Homes ignores the very real issue here...flooding on adjacent lots can't be remedied by plowing over with soil. This is a natural drainage route--and it will continue to be one long after Consort tries to convince people that filling ditches with mud will do the job.

First, Consort can't fill these ditches with mud because the water NEEDS an outlet--and conventiently, there are drainage pipes and sewers located further down the empty lot line. To fill these would compromise the drainage needed. Second, if the lots around our home are built upon, and Consort attempts to artificially raise said lots under development, our lot will become the lowest point, and thus depository for water and further erosion. IF, however, Consort decides not to raise the lots next to us (let's face it, they can't raise them as the manhole and sewers will be covered up), the issue of soil erosion from underneath the surface will continue--until everyone loses property value.
*If you were to follow the path of water in this photo you would see it follow the contour of our lot and adjacent lots. A good rain and we might just have a pond in our lot too.

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